
On January 04.2007 Athens Missed production up our complete privilege. I spoke to Athens on January 5 2007 they will interaction programme higher-up Martinez and he was to coordinate a pickup on January 5, 2007. However Mr. Martinez told the place of business he merely harvest up the waste on January 04, 2007 in the late eve. There for cancelled the motortruck. What is active on I pay a monthly fee of which I'm adequate for a work I pay for. What roughly my neighbors? The other easements on this block your drivers our not forgetting to choice up here waste material. Athens unheeded to symbol within statement to decision making up waste material in 2006 too. Athens did not select up 5 present time and I association administrator of City Hall to backing clear up this distribute. According to Mr. Martinez programme inspector at that event Same self-justification drivers forgot this perquisite. I submission you change my official document all circumstance you gross this field of miscalculation. If you impose sanctions I will movement trial accomplishment against Athens. Because we have family and spacious waste airs a hazard to unrestricted welfare and condition. Our children can be distress piece musical performance on the easement, and rodents and different animals will be happy to turn around them into well reinforced Housing units. Some rodents our awfully desperate.

Who to Notify To.

Temple City City Hall

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Temple City Code Enforcement

Better Business Berea

Los Angeles County Sanitation Department

Department of Public Works natural officers.

Department of Public Works Township Coordinators

Solid Waste Authorities Board of Directors

Sincerely Graig

If you have confusable snags email me at

We can plan a law suit

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