Often when someone is diagnosed with genital warts the first reaction is to ignore it and wish it away. However life$%:s problems are never that simple. At some point or the other the patient needs to do something about his condition. It is time to try to get rid of genital warts if they become painful, bleed or change shape and color.
Wart tissue is often destroyed by the use of acids. However, this method of getting rid of genital warts is best supervised by a health care provider. Combinations of salicylic and lactic acids are often used. Creams with this solution on them are widely available and can be an effective solution.
When home remedies fail to work as they often do, one can always turn to a medical practitioner for help. Large exterior genital warts can be removed surgically. Topical applications of certain medicated creams are advised for warts in more sensitive regions where surgery cannot be performed.
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This kind of treatment is also supported by medication to control infections if any.
If nothing else works try this one. It has been reported that this method has worked for 20 to 50 percent of those who tried it. No medicines, just pure mind power. The remedy is the use of hypnotic suggestions to get rid of genital warts. Those in the know say that the patient should be able to vividly visualize the warts flaking off, growing smaller and finally vanishing altogether.
There are various methods that can be tried to get rid of genital warts. However, opting for treatment by a licensed medical practitioner is the most practical way of achieving this goal.