Protecting ourselves is very important. We should make sure that our doors are lock when not in use windows are lock at nights when going to our beds and especially when leaving the house and no one is there. We should make sure that when traveling home that we should not be followed and that we should not invite anyone into the house if do not know them. To protect ourselves and home we should not answer the door to strangers.
If their is any unusual sound , door beaten down etc we should call for help like the police etc. If there is any thing that is unusual about your house things missing call the police. This is for our safety we should watch out for unusual cars in the neighborhood, unusual people at night sneaking around, watch out for people following you to your doorstep etc. We should always be on the lookout for the slightest thing. Never leave our house door locks open when leaving the house. Never leave your house key with an untrusted person.
Never tell anyone that your house door is open so they should keep on eye you must truly trust that person. Be careful on how you talk your personal business which concern your house being unlocked etc. To protect your house we can get a house alarm system and install as soon as possible especially if you know your neighborhood is bad. Always make sure that your alarm system is working and that you use it properly if you do not understand it seek help!! And never ever tell anyone your code for the alarm system that very bad trust me.